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Coronado Middle School

Tradition of Excellence
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CUSD Grab-and-Go Meal Service

CUSD Grab-and-Go Meal Service: Will continue each Monday through the end of August!

Grab-and-Go Meal Service at Village Elementary and Silver Strand
When: Every Monday (except Holidays)
Location: Multi-Purpose Rooms at VES (H Street, with the line forming along Green Field on 7th Street) and Silver Strand Elementary
Distribution Time will change starting on August 24th to 4pm-6pm.
Meal distribution will continue every Monday while students are in a distance learning environment. Starting Monday, August 31st, 5 days' worth of breakfast and lunch meals will be distributed to Coronado Unified students only and based on the current meal eligibility (free/reduced/paid). Economic circumstances have changed for many families as a result of the pandemic. Families may turn in a meal application at any time during the school year. If your household income creases, household size increases, or a household member starts receiving CalFRESH, CalWORKS, or FDPIR, you may turn in an application at that time. One application per household is needed. Applications must be filled out every year even if you qualified for the prior school year. Click here to apply online for meal benefits.
Our next distribution day will be Monday, 8/24 beginning at 4PM. All families with children 18 and under will be able to pick up free breakfast and lunch meals via curb-side pick-up. Each child will receive one bag that contains 7 days’ worth of meals for breakfast and lunch. Meals may consist of packaged, refrigerated, and/or frozen items (heating instructions will be provided). District and school staff will start "Grab and Go Distribution" of meal bags at 4PM, and will stop once all bags are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
All meals will be distributed curb-side to decrease the risk of exposure. Bags will be placed into automobile trunks-they will not be handed through the vehicle window for the protection of both our staff and vehicle occupants. Only those in cars will be served meals during this pick-up window, no walk-ups or bicycles are allowed in order to maintain social distancing protocols. If you are unable to pick-up meals by car or during the scheduled distribution time, please email on or before th$e Friday before pick-up at noon and we will schedule an alternative window to pick-up a meal.
Meals may not be distributed to students. Students who are receiving meals are encouraged to be physically present at the time of pick-up. Additionally, adults may pick up meals for students not present by printing and submitting this form at the time of pick-up. No meals will be distributed to parents/guardians without a child present or a form submitted at time of pick up due to state regulations.
Meals are available for all children aged 18 and under. Children are not required to be students of Coronado Unified School District. Our incredible Child Nutrition Service team members and volunteers have served over 170,740 meals since this program began. We are prepared to serve meals weekly to over 830 children (11,620 meals in total). As demands increase, we will continue to increase the number of meals we prepare in order to accommodate the needs of our entire school community. This is free for all children, regardless of meal status - please spread the word!