Student Clubs and Activities

Student Clubs
Students are welcome to attend club meetings anytime. Sign ups are not necessary.
Homework Club: Meets every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in the library from 3:05 to 4:15 pm. Supervised by a CMS teacher who can offer assistance and guidance.

Jr. Optimist Club: An extension of the Optimist Club of the City of Coronado, students of the Junior Optimist Club serve their school, their city and also the greater San Diego region through various community service projects. One of the most important annual events the club sponsors is Pasta for Pennies. For more information on this program please contact Mr. Ramirez or Mr. Smith or Matthew.
Best Buddies: Best Buddies fosters one to one friendships between students with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. Best Buddies helps to create an inclusive school climate for students early on in their educational development. Club advisor: Jeremy Handysides. For more information email, All meetings will take place during lunch in room 124 every second and last Thursday of the month.
Art Club: Show your creativity at Art Club
Military Kids Club: Join MFLC, Michele Doizer, for games and fun on Mondays during lunch.
Fantasy Book Club: Join Mrs. Petitt, CMS Librarian, every other Wednesday from 1:45 - 2:45pm in the CMS library.
Spanish Club: Join Mrs. Lopez-Garcia in Room 202 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-4:15 pm.

Student Activities
Associated Student Body (ASB) Dances
Students must adhere to the protocols listed below and have a permission form signed by a parent in order to attend the dance. Students on the CHOICES LIST are not permitted to the dance.
- Dances are exclusively for Coronado Middle School students.
- Students on the CHOICES LIST are NOT permitted to the dance.
- Students present their ticket for admission.
- Eating and drinking are restricted to the quad area.
- No running is permitted anywhere on campus during the dance.
- The school dress code will be strictly enforced.
- Students may leave the dance early with signed parent permission. Those leaving early will not be readmitted.
- Supervision ENDS at the conclusion of the dance. Parents, please arrange with your child for a safe way home.
- Walkers and car poolers must make arrangements to be off campus by this time.
- Students who are not attending the dance may not loiter outside Granzer Hall or other areas of the school.
- Inappropriate dancing is not allowed. You will be removed from the dance floor, your parents will be notified, and you may be sent home.
- Students unable to comply with these rules will be immediately removed from the dance, Parents will be contacted and additional disciplinary action may occur.
Jazz Band
See Mr. Heinecke for the most up to date information.
Physical Education: Aquatic P.E. for all CMS Students
All CMS students will swim during their Physical Education class during one week of the school year. Students will be responsible for bringing their swim suit and a towel in a plastic bag daily as there is really no locker space dedicated to wet things. Since we are swimming during school time, students must be modestly covered. Swim suit requirements are as follows:
- Students must wear actual swim suits. No cotton clothing is allowed as cotton clogs the pool filters.
- Girls need to wear either a one piece suit. A two piece suit can be worn, but must be covered by a rash guard. Girls can wear board shorts over their
suits if they like.
- Boys need to wear swim trunks or board shorts, Speedo or Jammers. Boys may also wear rash guards
- Students can also bring goggles.
- Students with shoulder length or longer hair will need to wear it tied back or wear a swim cap. No Metal hair clips allowed.
- Please label all towels!
Students will be working on Aquatic Safety Skills, improvement of basic swimming strokes, as well as cardio-vascular fitness. The PE Team are Red Cross Certified Water Safety Instructors, and the pool is fully staffed with plenty of qualified Lifeguards on deck. Students unable to swim due to illness or injury must bring a parent note to be excused. ALL missed swim days must be made up. Make up days and times will be announced. Please let your P.E. instructor know if you have questions or concerns.
Click on the link to re-direct to the Islander Sport's Foundation page for the most up to date information.
KCMS Daily Broadcast
KCMS is Coronado Middle School's daily broadcast television station. This incredible, fully produced student "run" class is displayed to students every day at CMS through our closed circuit T.V. and all classes watch and listen to announcements about important information and events occurring on campus and in the community. In addition, all students view live and pre-recorded "packages" from the students who create them in the KCMS class which cover relevant topics about our school, community and larger global society. Some of the topics and packages discussed by guests who appear live such as the principal, assistant principal, staff, students and community members, include; safety procedures at school and in the community, character education topics and reminders, events happening in the community, extracurricular activity events and club announcements from our Partner in Education groups such as the Islander Sports Foundation (ISF), the Student and Family Enrichment organization (SAFE), the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), and the Coronado Parks and Recreation and the Coronado Schools Foundation (CSF).
KCMS is only made possible, by the generosity of the Coronado Schools Foundation (CSF) who fully funds the class and most of the equipment.