- Academics

Coronado Middle School Library
The library was built to be in the center of our school for a reason. It is the hub for learning on our campus and provides a comfortable atmosphere during and after school.
Our library is rich with technology and resources with over two-dozen computers available for students to use for taking assessments, research, and looking up library materials. During lunch periods it is quite typical to find 60-80 students using the various resources.
Winter Bookfair
December 6-13, 2024
Library Hours and Homework Club
The library is open from 7:45am and closes at 4:05 pm.
The CMS Homework Club functions as an extension of learning after the school day has officially ended. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:05pm to 4:05pm, we have a certificated teacher at the library after school to facilitate and encourage the completion of homework. Individual students and groups are welcome to come in for help with any subject. To keep our homework club safe and consistent, we ask that once students sign-in that they stay for the duration.