- Academics
End of Grading Periods, Progress Reports, and Final Grades

School Year 2024-2025
- Semester 1 Progress Grade Report: Oct. 25. 2024
- Semester 1 Final Grade Report: Jan. 31. 2025
- Semester 2 Progress Grade Report: April 7. 2025
- Semester 2 Final Grade Report: June 12. 2025
The official progress grade report time period is to provide a benchmark of your child's ongoing success in the first half of a semester. Please understand the objective of a progress report is to provide a "snapshot" of your child’s academic and citizenship grades over the course of the school year. The goal is for your child to improve or maintain a level of success that ultimately will be reflected on the final report card at the end of the semester. Our focus as a school and community is to have all children succeed based on each child’s personal learning style.
We encourage all parents to check PowerSchool regularly and review your child’s assignments and grades. Due to cost and environmental impact, all unofficial and official progress and final report grades will be available online via PowerSchool and Synergy ParentVUE/StudentVUE.
Canvas (formerly PowerSchool): The Canvas learning management system is the program you will use most frequently as it maintains teacher websites, student classroom assignments and grades, as well as information that is pushed out from your child’s teacher in the form of emails and other. While Canvas contains regular progress in class, and in many circumstances up to date grades, Synergy ParentVUE/StudentVUE is the system to be used when it comes to reviewing official progress and final report grades.
SYNERGY: Synergy is our student information system. This system has data on your child including; official progress and final report grades, attendance, school records and other valuable information.
Please make sure your online accounts have current e-mail addresses and phone numbers so we can keep you informed. All of these systems are internal, confidential systems, and we do not share this information with third parties or outside agencies. Details about the PowerSchool and Synergy programs are posted on the website at: https://staging.coronado.catapultcms.com/1/Parents--Students-/CUSD-Account-Login-Instructions--Information/index.html
If you have misplaced or do not have your Canvas or Synergy code(s),you will need to contact and/or visit the CMS front office to obtain one from the librarian. For Synergy, you will need picture identification as codes are confidential and only provided to parents with authorized access. If you are unable to access the internet from your home or workplace, please let us know, and you can use the internet from one of our computers at school to access this information. Additionally, we will have a hard copy of your child’s grades at your request.
As always, thank you for your continued support of your child's education and for celebrating his/her successes!