- Academics
Course Electives and Information

After extensive research by CUSD Mathematics teachers and administrators, College Prep Mathematics (CPM) has been adopted as the core mathematics curriculum for Coronado Unified School District, grades 6-12.
CPM Mission Statement
CPM’s mission is to empower mathematics students and teachers through exemplary curriculum, professional development, and leadership. We recognize and foster teacher expertise and leadership in mathematics education. We engage all students in learning mathematics through problem solving, reasoning, and communication. http://cpm.org
CLICK HERE for an in depth look at CPM courses at CMS
All parents and students are encouraged to read the following important information about mathematics and the middle school aged child from our friend, Dr. Jo Boaler, internationally recognized Stanford University professor.
Link to: All Electives Course Descriptions
Application Electives
Advanced Performing Arts, Associated Student Body (ASB), KCMS, Advanced Art & Yearbook
Application elective classes offer 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to be participate in exciting and innovative elective courses. Space in these courses is limited. Students must submit an application for their desired course, and teachers are looking for students who exemplify the 8 Keys of Excellence and are committed and invested learners. Application classes also require a student to have good academics, contributions to school/community service, and creativity. Students in these classes will spend time beyond the class period in order to fulfill their responsibilities.
Students may apply for Advanced Performing Arts, ASB (Associated Student Body), KCMS Broadcast TV, Advanced Art, and Yearbook; however, no one will be accepted into more than one application class. Additionally, selection does not guarantee enrollment in the course. Students will be enrolled in their core classes (history, English, math, science) prior to being placed in an application elective class. Scheduling conflicts sometimes arise, and core class placement takes precedence over an elective class . Please be aware that these classes are designated to 7th and 8th grade students. 6th grade students are not eligible for application elective classes.
Students may apply to 1 or 2 application electives, only.
Applications are available on March 9, 2023
All applications are due by 8:00 am March 22, 2023
Hybrid Physical Education Class
We will have two Hybrid P.E. classes for the 2022-2023 school year. These classes are for 7th and 8th graders only. The information and application can be found in the link below.
Grades 7 and 8: 2023-2024 Hybrid PE Form- Link to come in May 2023
P.E. is a mandated California requirement for all students. We are pleased to offer this unique opportunity for some of our students. he classes have been designed by our dedicated P.E. team, and they provide a rigorous California standards-based program.
7th Grade Health Unit: HIV/AIDS Instruction
After extensive research by CUSD Mathematics teachers and administrators, College Prep Mathematics (CPM) has been adopted as the core mathematics curriculum for Coronado Unified School District, grades 6-12.
Coronado Middle School offers three weeks of health instruction for all seventh grade students. Curriculum will be presented in science classes for three weeks in May/June. This letter serves to notify you of the reproductive health content and the purpose of HIV/AIDS instruction for your student.
State PE /Health standards include content on the biology of human reproduction. Via CUSD Governing Board approved curriculum, Glencoe Science, topics will include: male and female reproductive system, menstrual cycle, fertilization to birth and human growth and development.
Additionally, HIV/AIDS prevention instruction is provided for all seventh grade students as mandated by Education Codes 51201.5 and 51255. The CUSD Governing Board approved curriculum, Positive Prevention, is published by the American Red Cross and is designed to provide students with accurate information regarding the following topics: HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, universal precautions, peer and media pressure, and refusal skills. In providing students with a thorough and careful education about AIDS, our curriculum emphasizes that abstinence is the only 100% effective method of preventing the transmission of AIDS and sexually transmitted infections. Students will also analyze the physical, psychological and social effects of HIV/AIDS.
Parent Information Night is held in the spring. Teaching materials will be on display, and seventh grade science teachers will review course content. If you’re unable to attend, parents are invited to preview the curriculum which can be found in the links below.
We encourage and appreciate your support and look forward to your child’s participation. If you do not want your child to participate in health instruction, please sign the form below and return to your child’s science teacher at your earliest convenience.
PARENT PACKET (sent home day 1 of instruction)
POSITIVE PREVENTION HANDOUTS - will be posted in spring 2020
6th Grade Course Descriptions
Every sixth grader at Coronado Middle School is placed into heterogeneously grouped core subject classes of language arts, history/social science, and science. Every new enrolling sixth grader will take a math placement test as part of the enrollment process before school starts in the fall. The placement score along with grades and standardized test scores will help determine placement in math.
7th Grade Course Descriptions
Every seventh grader at Coronado Middle School is placed into the following heterogeneously grouped core subject classes: Humanities (English/Language Arts and History/Social Science), Mathematics, and Science. A Math placement test is given to every newly enrolled seventh grader as part of the enrollment process. The placement scores, along with teacher recommendation and standardized test scores, help determine placement in seventh grade math.
8th Grade Course Descriptions
Every eighth grader at Coronado Middle School is placed in a heterogeneously grouped humanities (English/Language Arts and History/Social Science), Science, and Physical Education class. Also, every incoming eighth grader takes the Algebra Readiness Test either in the spring of the seventh grade year or as part of the enrollment process for eighth grade. The placement scores, along with teacher recommendation and standardized test scores, help determine placement in eighth grade Algebra.