PHASE 4 Reopening (Feb. 1, 2021)
Link to NEW Semester 2 Phases Semester 2 Frequently Asked Question
Dear Triton Families,
I hope this message finds you and your family well. CUSD continues to monitor state and local guidelines related to COVID-19 in an effort to maintain the health and safety of our school community. Our commitment to quality and consistent learning continues to guide the reopening phases to minimize the interruption to instruction. Our goal is to have as many students on campus, for as many days per week as possible, while still protecting the health and safety of our students and staff.
Our current instructional model of BRIDGE/distance learning is aligned with all CDC, state and county public health recommendations. In an effort to plan larger scale return to school phases, this communication will provide you with foundational information about our Phase 4 Hybrid Learning Model, Phase 5 Extended Hybrid Learning Model (on campus lunch), and Phase 6 Full Return.
If you selected BRIDGE for semester 2 and later in the year you request to return to in person hybrid learning, your request will be contingent on available space. Our reopening plans and ability to adhere to safety protocols are contingent on the information we receive from this survey. Changes in program have a profound impact on our ability to bring students on campus and should only be made in extreme circumstances. We cannot guarantee a change of program, but e will place your child on a waiting list and make changes if space becomes available.
CMS has set a target date of February 1, 2021, the first day of Semester 2, to begin Phase 4. However, this date is subject to change and dependent upon state and county health guidelines.
Phase 4-Two options:
1. 100% BRIDGE = 5 days via distance learning
2. Hybrid Learning Model = In-Person and BRIDGE:
1. 100% BRIDGE = 5 days via distance learning
2. Hybrid Learning Model = In-Person and BRIDGE:
HYBRID Learning Model:
Mondays - All students remain BRIDGE learning.
Tuesday-Friday from 8:00 am-12:30 pm. - Campus will be open for in person learning of all classes.
Students will be divided into two groups: Group A and Group B. Each student will have two days a week of on-campus learning. Groups will be assigned by letter of the student's last name:
Mondays - All students remain BRIDGE learning.
Tuesday-Friday from 8:00 am-12:30 pm. - Campus will be open for in person learning of all classes.
Students will be divided into two groups: Group A and Group B. Each student will have two days a week of on-campus learning. Groups will be assigned by letter of the student's last name:
Group A: last Name A-L
Group B: Last Name M-Z
Link to PHASE 4 SCHEDULE draft: Phase 4 Schedule and Phases 5 and 6 Information
NEW Semester 2 Phases FAQ's: Semester 2 Frequently Asked Question
Link to PHASE 4 SCHEDULE draft: Phase 4 Schedule and Phases 5 and 6 Information
NEW Semester 2 Phases FAQ's: Semester 2 Frequently Asked Question
Phase 5: This phase will include on campus lunch - on campus school day to end at 2:00 pm
Phase 6: Groups A and B combine for 4 days on campus
Phase 6: Groups A and B combine for 4 days on campus
NOTE: At this time:
We are unable to offer lunch on campus due to health and safety guidelines. Additionally, we are unable to offer a 7 period Monday schedule until COVID-19 has been eradicated.
Bus transportation will not be provided.
We are unable to offer lunch on campus due to health and safety guidelines. Additionally, we are unable to offer a 7 period Monday schedule until COVID-19 has been eradicated.
Bus transportation will not be provided.
Our Semester 2 Hybrid and BRIDGE Learning will continue to include concurrent, livestream teaching as well as synchronous and asynchronous learning to accommodate students in the classroom and students at home. Students will continue to follow the current schedule until the end of Semester 1.
As we plan for what comes next, we all look forward to a return to normal. In the meantime, we want to reassure you that the safety, academic progress, and emotional well-being of your children, remains our top priority.
Karin Mellina
CMS Semester 2 Reopening Information and Survey - Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your support and patience as we move forward in the safest manner possible to reopen our school. If you have not completed the please do so no later than Wednesday, December 16th at 4:00 PM. We must receive a survey for every student (one survey per CMS sibling is required) so we can prepare our classrooms appropriately. We will assume students without a survey are planning to continue their current learning model of either 100% BRIDGE or on campus hybrid learning.
Note: If you opt for your child to have Hybrid Learning and he/she does not attend in person instruction for more than 2 weeks without a reason, he/she will be moved to BRIDGE to accommodate waitlisted Hybrid Learning students.
Q: What will learning look like in the classroom? How will the teachers teach both students at home and in the classroom?
A: Our learning model will continue to include distance learning which will allow us to educate students in the classroom and at home. For most classes, this will occur concurrently via live streaming. Just like teaching during a typical school year, teachers will have the autonomy to decide the best way to support student learning, and this may look different for each subject area. It may be necessary for all students (in the classroom and at home) to be online learning at the same time. For example, teachers may choose to have the students in person work with a student learning from home on a group work assignment. It’s important to remember that each classroom is a community of learners, and the teacher will be doing his/her very best to support every student everyday, no matter where their learning takes place.
Q: Why are Chromebooks/laptops and headphones necessary when in the classroom?
A: As mentioned above, teachers will have students learning from campus and learning from home each day. The teacher may ask that all students, whether they are at home or in the classroom, log into the class via Zoom for an activity involving the whole class. Of course, this will look different for each subject area and may vary from week to week. Teachers will continue to use teaching strategies such as synchronous and asynchronous learning to support all students. All students will need access to a device and headphones. They may bring a personal Chromebook or laptop to school, or our school will provide a Chromebook to those students who request one. Our Wifi has adequate campus coverage and will support students accessing it in the classroom and in designated outdoor spaces.
Q. Is this survey binding? Can I change my mind at a later date?
A. We are asking families to make an informed decision no later than December 16th for the potential February 1 start date so we can set up our classrooms in the safest way possible. If students opt to continue on BRIDGE, but change their mind and request a return to school, we may not be able to accommodate this request due to classroom capacity. If a student opting for on-campus learning changes his/her mind to learn from home, he/she may do so, and the classroom capacity will be adjusted.
Q. Do I need to fill out the survey for each CMS student in my family?
A: Yes, we must have a completed survey for each CMS student in the same family. We cannot assume that all CMS siblings have the same needs.
Q. What if I left the district to homeschool or attend a private school? May I re-enroll and opt for hybrid learning?
A: Our survey is for currently enrolled students. If families choose to enroll at CMS after the survey closes, they will be placed according to preference if space allows.
CUSD will continue to follow the San Diego County Public Health Order or the California Department of Public Health Guidelines.
Q. Will teachers and students be required to wear masks?
A: Yes. Masks are required for all staff and students. When students are outdoors, they are expected to keep their mask on. Students must speak with a staff member if a mask break is needed. Students are asked to consistently observe social distancing of at least six feet, especially when removing a mask. If social distancing is not possible outdoors, the mask must be worn, with the exception of eating/drinking. Teachers will be required to teach with their mask on, and many may also choose to wear a face shield.
Q. How often will classrooms and high touch surfaces be cleaned?
A: Our custodial staff will clean classrooms once per day. All classrooms have been supplied with disinfectant wipes and a bottle of hand sanitizer, which are available to students and staff to use as often as they see fit. We encourage students to regularly wash their hands, use hand sanitizer, and clean their workspace.
Q. Will students be required to clean their hands every time they exit and enter a classroom?
A: Yes, students will be required to sanitize when they enter and exit the classroom and are expected to wash their hands after using the restroom. All health and safety guidelines and protocols will be clearly posted and reviewed with students regularly..
Q. Will passing periods and arrival/dismissal times be staggered?
A: We will determine this once we have survey data, but it’s very likely that we will have some small windows of staggered times for passing periods and arrival/dismissal. We ask for the flexibility of our students and parents, as we continue to make safety our first priority.
Q. Will students be allowed to have a snack during break? Can they purchase one at school?
A: Students will be allowed to have a snack at school, however, they will need to bring their own snack from home. Items will not be for sale on campus. Health and safety guidelines regarding eating will be reviewed with students, and they will be expected to follow the on campus protocols for removing their mask, social distancing, and eating in designated areas.
Q. How is the district supporting medically vulnerable staff, staff who get sick, and substitute teacher availability?
A: All schools sites are working closely with the CUSD Human Resources Department to support staff during this unprecedented time. If a teacher needs to be away from the classroom, a substitute teacher will be arranged. If a class needs to be quarantined, the BRIDGE model will be able to continue supporting all students learning. We are aware of the substitute teacher shortage in San Diego County and continue to actively work to recruit additional substitute teachers.
Q. Will students and teachers be regularly tested?
A: All staff are required to test regularly. CUSD will not be testing students prior to returning to on-campus learning. Testing will be highly recommended if a student is symptomatic or has been exposed to COVID-19. Testing is the parents choice and responsibility. If your student tests positive for COVID-19, we appreciate you contacting and informing the school.
Q. How many students will be in a classroom during a period?
A: The final number of students in each class will depend on the number of students interested in returning to campus. Our plan for Phase 4 is to bring back approximately 50% of our student body each day, which will result in approximately 10-15 students in a classroom at a time. Students will be seated with as much space between them as possible, and no less than one meter apart. Students will be grouped according to their last name in the alphabet and their assigned days of the week.
Q. Will students be in cohorts?
A: Cohorting in secondary schools is very challenging, as the definition of cohorting is to keep one small group of students together for the entire day. With secondary students taking a variety of classes and levels, this creates multiple complexities. Since Phase 4 includes students attending three classes a day, students will be part of multiple cohorts. We are not required to cohort our students, but we believe by grouping them by the last name in the alphabet and assigned days of the week, we can trace and isolate students who have been on our campus.
Q. Can I pick my student’s in person learning days or ask that the day be coordinated with my elementary or high school student’s schedule?
A: We will do our best to stay aligned with CHS, but unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate any schedule or learning day requests due to the need to balance our classroom capacity to support classroom safety and social distancing.
Q. What are the plans for notifying parents when a COVID-19 positive case is identified on campus?
A: We will continue to follow CUSD protocols. Anytime a positive case is identified, all CMS families will receive a general notification. However, students considered a “close contact” will be personally contacted by a staff member. The CDC defines “close contact” as anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting from 48 hours (or 2 days) before the person had any symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19. Link to the CUSD COVID-19 Dashboard.
In the spirit of keeping our community safe and healthy, we appreciate your continued communication with the CUSD health team and CMS administration should students be positive for Covid, become sick with any Covid symptoms or be notified as a close contact. Please email the following individuals:
Joellen Semo R.N., CUSD District Nurse:
Nicola McMahon R.N., CMS Nurse:
Karin Mellina, CMS
Brooke Falar, CMS Assistant Principal:
Sept. 2020: CUSD Grades 6-12 FAQs
Q: Why are Phases 2 and 3 only bringing back elective classes? Why don't these phases include core classes like math, English, history or science?
A: There are a couple of reasons for this. Most importantly, in order to responsibly and safely reopen campus, we must have baseline data to make informed and sound decisions. Bringing students back in electives cohorts decreases the impact on consistency of instruction in the event of a cohort needing to quarantine or a school closure. Although online may not be the most optimal learning platform, teachers are providing effective, well planned standards-based lessons, and therefore, disrupting the current flow of core classes without baseline data can negatively impact consistency of learning. Many of the elective classes can be held in an outdoor area or classrooms with easy access to the quad, lunch areas and other outdoor spaces on campus.
Q: Once the survey is completed by the family, may I change my mind?
A: Please fill out the survey carefully. Your response is critical in helping us make decisions in accordance with our planning. Results of the survey will guide staffing and programming, and therefore families may not change their cohort or learning preferences (Bridge or In-Person experiences) until the end of Semester 1.
Q: If our family chooses to stay 100% online BRIDGE during Semester 1, will we be able to change to partial on-campus for semester 2?
A: Yes, parents will be given the option at the end of Semester 1 to keep the current choice for learning environment or change learning environments. Due to staffing and logistical constraints, changes before this time will not be possible.
Q: Do I need to fill out the survey for each student in my family?
A: Yes, each student in your family will need to have a survey filled out and returned by September 24th. Students in the same family may have differing needs and it is important that we have your commitment for each student’s individual needs.
Q: What is the last date that I can fill out the survey?
A: Thursday, September 24th at 4:00pm.
Q: Are students required to wear facial coverings?
A: Yes, all students attending school are required to wear masks. Students should not wear gaiters, bandanas or masks with valves as these do not prevent the person wearing them from transmitting COVID-19 to others.
Q: Will students be wearing their masks the entire time they are in school?
A: Yes, students will be required to wear masks while on campus.
Q: Will facial coverings be provided by the school?
A: The school will have a supply of facial coverings to provide students who do not have one or who have misplaced, damaged or non approved facial coverings.
Q: What happens if a student does not wear a facial covering?
A: Prior to and on the first day of returning to campus, students will be instructed on how to to properly wear facial covering. Families will be notified if a student does not comply with wearing a facial covering and he/she may not be allowed to attend on campus learning.
Q. Will students be required to clean their hands every time they exit and enter a classroom?
A.Yes, students will be required to sanitize when they enter and exit the classroom and are expected to wash their hands after using the restroom.
*All health and safety guidelines and protocols will be clearly outlined prior to students returning to campus.
Q: What is a cohort?
A: A cohort is a stable group that stays together for all on campus activities.
Q: Why is cohorting important at this time?
Cohorting guidance has been provided to school districts from the CDC and SDPHD. Cohorting may facilitate more efficient contact tracing in the event of a positive case and provide targeted measures to that one cohort rather than school wide.
Q: How does a cohort work at the secondary level?
A: Cohorting in secondary schools is very challenging, as the definition of cohorting is to keep one small group of students together for the entire day. With secondary students taking a variety of classes and levels, this creates multiple complexities.
Q: How will students be placed in cohorts?
A: Cohorts to be determined based on survey results.
Q: The CUSD plan states that Phase 2 includes students with disabilities and on campus experiences. What does that mean?
A: Survey results will help guide the development of cohorts which will allow for students to be on campus for one or two of their classes at this time. Classes may include electives and/or intervention during phase 2.
Q: What will students who opt in for on campus experiences do when they are not on campus? A: All students will continue to follow their current BRIDGE schedule and Zoom into their classes.
Q:What will it look like if we opt for 100% online learning BRIDGE?
A: At this time, all students will continue to follow their current BRIDGE schedule and Zoom into their classes.
Q: What if I left the district to homeschool or attend a private school? May I re-enroll and have partial on-campus classes?
A: Our survey is for currently enrolled students. If families choose to enroll at CMS or CHS, they will be placed according to preference if space allows.
The District Office will provide information regarding transportation inquiries.